How to perform SEO for the mobile web like a pro

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Before we discuss on how to perform SEO for the mobile web, firstly understand few things like-

Mobile Optimization

Mobile Optimization is the process which ensures that the visitors who are accessing your site from mobile devices having an experience optimized for the device.
What is Mobile Optimization?

Every year people spend their almost half of the time on their mobile devices and tablets, still many websites are not designed for different screen sizes and load times. Mobile optimization helps you in increasing the page speed, site structure and site design and more so that the users won’t move away from the site.

So What will be the best SEO practices which we can choose for the Mobile Web-
If already your website is well optimized for the search engines, then there are only few additional things you required for the optimizing of mobile web.
Page speed

The speed of page should be more on the mobile devices as compared to desktop, but it gets slow down because of hardware and connectivity issues. Beyond optimizing images, all you want to minify the code, maximize the browser caching and reduce the redirects.

Don't block CSS, JavaScript, or images
In old days, some mobile devices won`t be able to support the CSS, and JAVA script and images. That’s y the owner of mobile sites has to block them. But this fact is no longer remain the same, and the smartphone GoogleBot wants to see and categorize the same content which users do. So, don’t hide them. Sometimes these elements are hard to understand for Google whether you have a responsive site of a different mobile solution.

Site design for mobile

The mobile devices designs are simple and revolutionizing. “Above the fold” no longer has meaning in a world where we scroll endlessly.

Don't use Flash

Might be the plugin is not available on your phone, that means you are missing all the fun. If you too want to get and wants to create special effects, then use HTML5.

Don't use pop-ups either

Getting pop-up again and again is som
etime frustrating because it is hard to close them on a mobile device. Which might lead you high bounce rate.

Design for the fat finger

Touch screen navigation can lead to many accidental clicks if the button is too small, or too big or in between the path of a finger while trying to get the page scrolling.

Optimize titles and meta descriptions

Always remember to use less screen space when a user is searching on a mobile device. If you want to show your best work in SERPS (Search Engine Research Page), which is concise as possible (but without sacrificing the quality of the information) while creating titles, URLs and meta descriptions.

Optimize for local search

If your business is having a local content, then remember to optimize your mobile content for local search. Which includes your name, address and phone number and the city name, state name in your site`s metadata.

 Mobile site configuration

The most important decision which you have to make while setting up the site whether you want to make it responsive, dynamic serving, or separate site configuration. All of them have their own pros and cons. Generally, Google supports responsive design, also supports the rest two options as long as you have set them properly.

Pros of Responsive:

·        1 URL
·        No duplication
·        Consolidated authority
·        No redirects

Cons of Responsive:

·        Sometimes require redesigning
·        No mobile- specific content
·        Device- specific

Pros of Dynamic serving:

·        1 URL
·        Consolidated authority
·        Use only mobile-specific content

Cons of Dynamic serving:

·        Implementing is difficulty
·        More expensive and hard to maintain

Pros of Parallel URLs:

·        It`s easy to implement
·        Also use mobile-specific content

Cons of Parallel URL`s

·        Splits authority
·        Lots of redirects
·        Very expensive to maintain
·        Content duplication risk

Responsive web design

The most preferable is responsive design for the web because it uses CSS3 media queries to serve the same content on mobile and desktop users using a flexible design to automatically adapt the size of a user’s screen.
 Responsive designs use the media queries to target the layout based on screen width, orientation and resolution.
Here I am sharing a CSS code which you can use to instruct browsers to how to display the content for a 420 screen or fewer pixels.

Code Sample:

@media screen and (max-width: 420px) {
.class {
[styles for this class here]
To link this with separate style sheet, put the following HTML in between <head> tags.
Code Sample

<link href="mobile.css" type="text/css" media="screen and (max-device-width: 480px)" rel="stylesheet"/>

Responsive designs allow you to have a variety of these media queries by which the users who have small mobile screen can also see the content easily. and looks perfect for all the average or larger mobile screens and even tablets.

Separate mobile URL

Users can choose an another option to create a parallel site. It allows you to create completely custom content for mobile visitors. To prevent the confusion, parallel sites used ‘m’ subdomain.

Parallel mobile sites can be imperfect like dynamic serving sites at sending visitors to the right version, so be sure to land the users on right place who end up in wrong direction when they click on preferred experience.

Just remember that your site is redirecting to a perfect place and lean as possible to decrease the page speed. And if you want to prevent duplicate content issues, use rel=” canonical”.

What about using an app?

Creating an app is just a one way to tailor the mobile experience for the visitors. But many websites use an alert to inform their visitors that a Mobile App also exists.

So these are the few best SEO practices to perform on the Mobile Web.

Ruby Shaikh


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